Monday, September 17, 2012

Thanks for Your Help to Drive Away Hunger

Ford of Ocala, your trusted new Ford dealership in Ocala, Florida, wishes to thank everyone that particpated in their 2013 Ford Escape Hunger Drive, held this past Sunday! 

For every test drive taken of the 2013 Ford Escape SUV, Ford will donate 10 meals to help feed those in need in our communities.  Ford of Ocala wishes to thank the 13 folks that took the vehicle out for a spin, as they helped to raise 130 meals!

In addition to having the opportunity to experience Ford’s all-new small utility vehicle that is loaded with smart technologies; participants were also able to help feed our hungry this summer.  

As part of this year-long initiative, Ford's goal is to raise 100,000 meals to help drive away hunger.  Your continued support will help to acheive that!  Thus, to learn more about this wonderful program, feel free to contact the helpful folks at Ford of Ocala or visit

2013 Ford Escape