Ford of Ocala is pleased to inform you that Ford Driving Skills for Life, an award winning driver's education program developed by Ford Motor Company Fund and the Governors Highway Safety Association have created a "Belt it Out: Sing for Safety" safe driving campaign to encourage teenagers to compose songs with safe driving messages. More than 6,000 youth die in accidents on American roads every year. Ford of Ocala, your neighborhood dealer for new Ford vehicles and used cars, understands that creating awareness on safe driving practices among the youth is the need of the community. The winners of this contest will receive up to $5,000 each. The contest is going on now. For details log on to You can select the winners by voting for your favorite songs online till April 30th. The winners will be announced on June 1, 2010.
Ford Driving Skills for Life deals with four key skill areas: speed management, space management, vehicle handling and hazard recognition. The lack of these skills has been quoted by the experts as the major cause of nearly 60 percent of vehicle crashes for newly licensed drivers aged between 16 and 19. Ford Driving Skills for Life has already reached thousands of teenagers online through interactive training and other events across the country and "Belt it Out: Sing for Safety" is a very significant event which engages the teens creatively for a great purpose. Vote for your favorite songs and support this event, and take a look at what Ford of Ocala is doing in to get involved in the community of Ocala Florida.